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Pennsylvanians Concerned about Alcohol Problems
Pennsylvania Alcohol Education Foundation

Pray for the Ministry of PCAP.
Become a PCAP Speaker/Representative.
Encourage Your Local School District to use the PAEF Program
Share the Ministry of PCAP with others.
Invite PCAP to YOUR Community Organization.
A message from
our president . . .
"If you own or work for a company that agrees with our mission of reaching young people please consider asking the company to make a donation."
Because PCAP exists through the financial support of people like you, we encourage
you to . . .
Invite your church to support PCAP through . . .
A yearly Church Service
Have a PCAP Sunday!
Have PCAP included in your yearly Church/Mission Budget
Make a personal financial commitment to PCAP
Contact PCAP about planned giving through . . .
Insurance Policies
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